joi, 19 septembrie 2013

Voices in Brussels speaking for the Romanian capital

A voice in Brussels for the Romanian capital is a key issue in many perspectives. Firstly because an increasing amount of decisions are made in Brussels that affect many things - positively or negatively; secondly, because Bucharest’s national counterparts in the EU are becoming more present; and finally, because useful legislative contacts often overlap with transnational business opportunities.

Bucharest is important in the relationship with national authorities, but should not neglect Brussels, where over 75% of the applicable law in the European Union is decided. "European" is the new "national". A proactive Romanian capital is often necessary because we “grasp” opportunities too late, as they are not properly represented in the city. Without timely information whether it is legal, technical, or economical, it's hard to develop a national position and to be effective in following through. Representation may be common, industry-wide (here I congratulate the energy sector that does better than other sectors) or on the complete economic level, preferably of all employers.

However, if there is one area in which the argument of "others are doing it as well" is valid - it is this one. Why? That is simple: the stakes are enormous. The French capital is well presented with the Brussels MEDEF (French employers), as well as the German capital. Some organisations are shared (BDI) or individual (just look at the big industrial companies and others). It is very important to understand that the Romanian capital and an office in Brussels or using external advisors is not an investment "in the ether" but a matter of survival in the medium and long term. If you do not know how to anticipate and influence the decision making process, you don’t have a sustainable future, because you are always surprised.

Finally, having a network matters and legislative networking often creates European interest in economic opportunities. It builds bridges of cooperation between Romanian and foreign capital, export or investment niches, it develops sustainable alliances and friends. We must understand that without alliances and supporters, lagging behind capitalist Germany, France or Great Britain, it will be difficult to survive "alone". Even the great German capital regularly allies with European industry partners from other countries to achieve their goals. So learn the European game – especially in the business section.

Recently in Romania launched the FIA (forum of local investors): a clearly defined tool that aims to defend the interests of the Romanian capital. After internal consolidation, the investment in a foreign project keeps the sustainability of the project. The Big Gate is now in Brussels!

Dan LUCA / Brussels



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