joi, 18 august 2016

Who is changing the decision-making process in the EU?

The future of an EU with 27 member states. The future of Europe. Such statements raise a lot of questions. Will the shock of Brexit call into question the EU governance, the future of the institutions?

Even after the famous Article 50 which enabled Britain to leave the European Union is activated, we have a period of two years of negotiations. But talks may lead to derogations and exceptions. Specifically, there may be certain legislative transitional periods of years.

In fact, Brexit added a new crisis, in addition to the immigration, terrorism, unemployment and problems in Ukraine. What will follow at European level? The discussion on the future of the European Union takes shape again. The result of the UK referendum was the drop that spilled the cup. And quite full it was after the European elections in 2014 or even after the aborted project of the European constitution in 2005.

With great interest we await the speech of President Junker on 14 September 2016 as State of the Union, and also the first Summit on the future Europe on the 16th of September in Bratislava.

In this context of instability and incertitude, there are some questions. What common European project is feasible for the 27 countries? Who are the influential people in the member governments and European institutions that will influence the decision making process? How can the business sector and civil society be involved in this decision process and what are the mechanisms of communication relevant in this debate?

Dan LUCA / Brussels

Un comentariu:

  1. Dupa cei 25 de ani de experienta in institutiile europene, convinsa fiind de contributia mea modesta la constructia edificiului european, nu-mi ramane decat sa regret sincer stadiul actual al lucrurilor. Undeve, candva s-au facut niste greseli, ale caror consecinte le simtim in present.

    Cu toate acestea, europenii nu trebuie sa renunte la idealurile si valorile fundamentale ale Uniunii Europene, care sunt un privilegiu inestimabil in circumstantele mondiale actuale.

    Sa nu uitam ca bunastarea si nivelul de confort de care ne bucuram astazi in Europa se datoreaza efortutilor si sacrificiilor inaintasilor nostri, care au crezut in Europa si in potentialul ei uman.

    Mai presus de toate, sa nu uitam ca pacea de care ne bucuram astazi o datoram Uniunii Europene!

    Asadar, toti trebuie sa ne "trezim" si sa ne gandim bine la pace. Numai pacea va aduce dupa sine bunastarea.
