miercuri, 7 noiembrie 2018

Helping the EU Project succeed – input is needed from European corporations

European Political Context 
In less than a year, European Parliament elections will lead to the next European Commission. Following the polarising trend in global politics, the debate is mainly conducted between pro-Europeans and anti-Europeans. The ever growing gap between decision-makers and citizens could have disastrous consequences for the European project, impacting the single market, economy and jobs. The private sector has been speaking out after the Brexit vote, warning politicians of the dangers. Similarly, the private sector has an important role to play and might be Europe’s last resort in raising awareness and communicating the negative impact that anti-European forces would have.

2019 European Elections – worst possible scenario?
Following constant criticism of the European project (with few people openly defending it), we risk having an anti-European movement in the next European Parliament. With a possible anti-European majority, everything will be blocked, halting the European engine ….possibly forever.

European corporations can help the EU!
We need a clearly-defined, forward-looking European project that gains momentum with the 2019 elections. EURACTIV recommends that corporations communicate their European vision via their own 2019 Manifestos or other campaign-focused documents. Building arguments for a strong future EU and communicating them from the beginning of 2019, will help companies engage with the new Parliament whilst also helping the European project.

Dan LUCA / Brussels

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