joi, 7 iulie 2022

Autumn forecasts

Despite thinking about the upcoming holidays, we try to anticipate the evolution of political events that are already present in the public space. Difficult questions arise, which could bring us quite a bit of anxiety.


Will we enter a global economic recession? / The signals are pointing in the direction of such an evolution…


When will the war in Ukraine end? / This question of 2022 seems to be relevant in 2023 too…


Will the Covid-19 crisis return as virulent as in the last two years? / Even if we refuse such a thought, we will continue to talk about masks, vaccines and restrictions for a long time…


What consequences will arise due to the increased price of energy? / Extremist and anti-system movements will intensify…


Is the European defense policy a priority? / Security for European citizens will continue to be the priority issue in government communications


Will the EU continue to be the world champion in greening the planet? / The environmental policy must be approached in a triangle with the energy and economic policies at the level of each Member State…


Will the EU enlargement process continue? / It now depends a lot on the technical capacity of the candidate countries…


Will the procedure for revising the European Treaty be launched? / No, but Ursula von der Leyen will announce the first set of proposals based on the outcome of the Conference on the Future of Europe in her State of the Union address


Which are the influential countries at European level? / In addition to the four powers, Poland wants to enter the G20…


Will steps be taken in the direction of a transatlantic society? / The political situation allows it, but the interests of political leaders on both sides of the Atlantic need to be pursued…


Dan LUCA / Brussels

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