marți, 13 august 2013

This autumn I will publish the book - “European Union: Views from Brussels”

Over six years ago I launched this blog with articles and opinions about the EU and how Romanians are affected by changes in contemporary Europe. The amount of information collected in over 1,500 messages is considerable and for me it was time to try to project the "Web 2.0 world" into the "serious world" of books. So in 2009, I published a book on "EU Communication Dilemmas" in Romanian.

The impact of the book exceeded my expectations, and the feedback I received led me to this initiative to present my articles and opinions in English as well, so that the messages could be received by a wider audience. That is why in 2009 I started publishing views on topical European issues from a Brussels perspective in English. In early 2012, I took the decision to publish weekly messages in English, and what I published in 18 months allows me to assemble approximately 70 articles in book form.

The material this book contains is a reflection of how it was published on the blog, thus maintaining a "scent" of the period it was written in. The messages are presented chronologically; however, I introduce segmentation following certain topics: EU Actors & EU Citizens, Future EU, EU Communication, Romania in the EU, Management & Business, EU Education and Technology & Media.

The launch of the book will be held in October in Bucharest.

Dan LUCA / Brussels


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